Designing the future
Designing the future
We are facing an unprecedented number of crises. These are complex, mutually reinforcing, and accelerating.
However, crises can also be transformed into opportunities.
This is the mission of Planetary Dreaming
Planetary Dreaming offers design-driven methods and storytelling processes for transformative change, grounded in systemic leadership and design thinking.
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Keynote presentation: About Planetary Dreaming. Introduction by Ida Engholm and Jakob Ion Wille. Explore slideshow and presentation notes.
By Ida Engholm----Published On: April 17th, 2024----Categories: Events, Viewpoints----Tags: Collaboration, Engagement, Future Design, Human culture, Innovation, Planetary Boundaries, Social Movements, Sustainability, System thinking, Transforming Humanity----On the spring equinox of 2024, the first circle of Planetary Dreamers convened to explore the deeper human capacities needed to foster a regenerative and sustainable future.
By Brian Frandsen----Published On: April 10th, 2024----Categories: Events, Viewpoints----Tags: Collaboration, Earth Wisdom, Engagement, Human culture, Planetary Boundaries, Social Movements, Sustainability, Transforming Humanity----This exhibition showcases how architecture and design can respond to global challenges, featuring projects that explore how planetary boundaries can inspire new possibilities in design and architecture.
By Brian Frandsen----Published On: May 14th, 2024----Categories: Events----Tags: Art, Education, Experimentation, Future Design, Innovation, Planetary Boundaries, Prototyping, Sustainability, technology----Turning boundaries into opportunities
By Ida Engholm----Published On: January 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: New Economy, Planetary Boundaries, Sustainability----For better or worse, humans are capable of shaping our future
By Ida Engholm----Published On: March 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: Human culture, Sustainability, Theory of change, Transforming Humanity----In systems thinking, the metaphors are necessarily flipped, so what we perceive as the system's immune response, designed to protect us from dangerous viruses, is what prevents innovation. Our resilience is the problem.
By Ida Engholm----Published On: March 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: Engagement, Organizational change, System thinking, Theory of change----We need a fundamental new design mindset to tackle the enviromental and climate crisis.
By Ida Engholm----Published On: March 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: Experimentation, Future Design, Sustainability, Transforming Humanity----New kinds of organizations to tackle new kinds of global issues
By Ida Engholm----Published On: January 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: Engagement, Innovation, New Economy, Organizational change, System thinking, Theory of change, Trust----The fifth order of design is for the planet, adding another order to how and towards what we apply our design abilities.
By Ida Engholm----Published On: January 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: Organizational change, Planetary Boundaries, System thinking----Isolating incubating cells of transformation, can be an efficient approach to changing systems.
By Ida Engholm----Published On: January 19th, 2024----Categories: Viewpoints----Tags: Innovation, Organizational change, Social Movements, Theory of change----