Rebel Nature – Telling stories from the Future
Planetary Dreaming has partnered with Christian Faber and Copenhagen Rig on the Rebel Nature project. The purpose is to leverage gaming technologies to bring Rebel Nature and other universes and projects to life through vibrant and creative production.
Therefore, Copenhagen Rig aims to connect existing initiatives and harness everyone’s creativity to begin creating a new sustainable world. There is tremendous potential, especially among gamers and worldbuilders engaged in video games, who represent a significant creative force in envisioning and illustrating new sustainable futures.
Rebel Nature aims to tell a near future story that will engage and inspire everybody to think and act for the future. What we do and don’t in life (and online), echoes in eternity so the future is our client.
In the video, you can learn more about the vision behind Rebel Nature. The project is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals.
Contact Christian FaberChristian Faber to learn more and get involved. Our grandchildren will be rebels.
See more at Copenhagen Rig