I feel like a planetary dreamer when I act on gratitude

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Installation at The Marble Church, Copenhagen.

Project by Morten Meldgaard, architect, film-director, PhD. Lecturer at The Royal academy school of architecture, design & conservation
Installation by Veronica S Hodges, Designer & artist.
Video by Per Henriksen

The focus of the CHERISH project is climate change and its effect on our seasons. Throughout
centuries poets have been heralding the seasons as the corner stones in a cyclic and holistic vision
of our lifeworld. What we are seeing today is that this world is now deteriorating.

The central idea of this project is that in order to avoid this scenario we must change ourselves before we can change the world. We must change the way we think, the way we consume and the way we act in accordance with mother earth.

The CHERISH project is combining a global agenda with a local initiative and an inner movement of
each individual involved. In practice we are doing this by creating a larger foliage of cherry
blossoms made of paper and hung from the ceiling of the church. This canopy of bright pink
flowers contrasts and compliments the stark authority of the Copenhagen Marble-church.

Under it we held a symposium on the 17 UN SDGs, where community work, concerts, debates and events pointed to the relation between seasons, mother-tongue, poetry, activism and philosophy. The program was put together with artists, thinkers and debaters from Denmark and abroad, while local communities and institutions help realize the art-installation itself.

The project was exhibited in 2018 and will be followed up with new art installations in connection with Planetary Dreaming: Designing the Future. Our Next project is “The Golden Cloud,’ which we hope to exhibit at Christiansborg in Copenhagen as part of a larger event focused on creating hopeful dreams and scenarios for the future. See also Co-lab.

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