With the scientific targets for emission reductions set by the UN climate reports and the Paris Agreement establishing global political requirements for significant cuts in CO2 emissions and limiting temperature increases, ambitious goals have been set to address climate change.

The challenging task now is to translate these scientific and political goals into concrete implementation, action, and changed behavior. PLANETARY DREAMING brings together case studies that illustrate new pathways for demonstrating how visionary approaches can bridge the gap between ambitious goals and real-world solutions.

Professor of design theory and design history of The Royal Danish Academy.

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Reimagining Mobility Infrastructure: Clever’s holistic approach to e-mobility

At Clever, the largest provider of charge points and e-mobility operator in the Nordic region, design, architecture, and biodiversity conservation are employed to facilitate societal change through sustainable mobility solutions.


The transportation sector ranks among the most polluting industries globally, with road transport, in particular, being a significant source of air pollution and CO2 emissions. In response to this critical challenge, efforts are underway worldwide to develop sustainable solutions for car transportation. In Denmark, Clever has become a driving force in the transition to sustainable transportation, focusing on enhancing the country’s electric vehicle infrastructure and making sustainable energy and transportation more accessible to society. In this process, design and architecture, combined with targeted efforts to preserve biodiversity, have been central to realizing the company’s values and goals, thereby not only developing a new business model but also establishing a unified framework for a refined approach to living and transportation. By offering a new perspective on what transportation is and can be, Clever reveals how new dimensions of quality of life can be achieved when we adapt our lifestyles and development practices to respect planetary boundaries.

Electricity is ubiquitous. The core of Clever’s business model is that, unlike fossil fuels, electricity is widely accessible. In collaboration with the Danish cooperative company Andel Energi, Clever has developed a comprehensive infrastructure that provides reliable and widespread access to electric vehicle charging, supporting the transition to sustainable transportation. What sets this business model apart is that, instead of having to visit a gas station to refuel, charging can be done in many locations—at home, at work, when shopping, along the motorway, and in connection with everyday activities such as sleeping, working, relaxing, or socializing.

Charging made seamless: Enjoying life while the car powers up.

Central to Clever’s concept of sustainable car transportation are the key charging stations, which offer an alternative to the traditional gas stations that dominate our urban areas and roadways worldwide. Historically associated with the oil and gasoline industries and the efficiency-driven goals of the industrial era, gas stations have primarily focused on the functional aspect of refueling, often neglecting the surrounding environment and the user experience.

If we assume that design, by its nature, is inherently tied to the values it represents, we can argue that traditional gas stations, with their commercial excess and industrial efficiency, are characterized by intrusive signage, cluttered environments, and a narrow focus on quick, utilitarian service. These stations have historically largely overlooked how they might interact with or enhance their surroundings, as well as improve the user experience. In contrast, Clever’s architectural concepts and service designs address how a new type of refueling station can be developed. The core of this concept involves transitioning from a gas station to a charging station, which encompasses both a value-driven and material dimension.

From a values perspective, this means reimagining refueling not merely as a functional task but as an opportunity in itself—one that offers both a literal and metaphorical recharge. It becomes a chance to pause, take a timeout, experience mindful relaxation, enjoy a healthy snack, or appreciate the surroundings to foster biodiversity, providing a space where one can connect with nature and recognize its importance for our well-being. This approach not only redefines the refueling experience but also aligns with a broader vision of sustainable living, enabling us to connect with ourselves and the natural world we must protect to transition to a more sustainable future.

Material-wise, the stations are constructed using mainly natural materials and feature a comprehensive design system based on canopies and tiles. They incorporate modular and scalable designs that can adapt to local conditions and needs, integrating the natural surroundings into the overall concept. This results in a distinct aesthetic that contrasts sharply with traditional gas stations, focusing on environmental harmony and enhancing the user experience.

From noisy signage and commercial excess to tranquil, tactile spaces with refined design and natural materials, Clever’s stations offer a serene retreat from the old gas station experience.

Serene Charging. As part of its efforts to develop a cohesive architectural concept for charging stations and their associated environments and services, Clever has conducted extensive research to ensure the creation of an optimal atmosphere around the charging experience. Clever’s approach goes beyond mere functionality by focusing on crafting a harmonious atmosphere that fosters a serene and immersive experience, where the interaction between design, environment, and user creates a space that promotes both vehicle and mental recharging. To ensure a calming atmosphere, Clever has developed a so-called Sense Experience Model aimed at counteracting the noise and pollution typically associated with conventional fuel-powered vehicles. By incorporating natural elements such as the gentle rustle of leaves, birdsong, and the hum of buzzing bees, Clever enhances the charging experience with a tranquil and pleasant ambiance – by the architectural theorist Gernot Böhme referred to as the “atmosphere”—the space between objects and their surroundings that profoundly shapes our experience.

From Gas Station to Charging Station – A Meaningful Pause. Where transportation in the industrial paradigm focused on efficient and rapid travel from point A to point B, transportation within an ecologically sensitive paradigm views the journey as an integral part of the experience. It becomes an opportunity to engage with and reflect on the surrounding natural environment, fostering a deeper connection with both oneself and nature.

Technical Innovation and Biodiversity. In its development of charging stations, Clever has incorporated a focus on environmental responsibility by converting surrounding areas into spaces for biodiversity conservation. The process includes careful site selection for charging stations, with efforts made to either enhance or restore local ecosystems. This approach involves collaboration with landscape architects, biologists, and geotechnicians to ensure that the development supports environmental sustainability.


To optimize locations for future charging stations, Clever uses a WebGIS platform developed with NIRAS to analyze spatial data on biodiversity. This helps in identifying and developing optimal sites that support habitats for insects and other species. Photo credit: Clever

Biodiversity goals and achievements
As part of its biodiversity strategy, Clever has set a target for at least 40% of the area at its fast-charging stations to be dedicated to biodiversity. By the end of 2023, the company had allocated approximately 23,000 square meters for this purpose across 12 of its fast-charging stations, which are either owned or fully managed by Clever. The new station in the Danish city Billund highlights this commitment, with 70% of its area designated for landscaping and biodiversity.

In alignment with this strategy, Clever also collaborate with Danish company FaunaPhotonics. At selected fast-charging stations, advanced sensors equipped with artificial intelligence are used to monitor flying biodiversity. These sensors, which do not capture or harm insects, provide data on the presence and diversity of flying species before and after the implementation of biodiversity measures. This information helps biologists evaluate and refine efforts to support and attract a greater variety of species, furthering the company’s goals for enhancing ecological balance at its sites.

Innovative Organizational Model. Clever’s approach to sustainable electric vehicle transportation is reflected not only in its products but also in its organizational structure. Moving away from traditional hierarchical models, the company has adopted a more flexible system inspired by the french leadership thinker Frederic Laloux’s Teal management principles. This model emphasizes shared responsibility and collaborative decision-making.

At Clever, roles are assigned based on individual expertise, while decision-making is distributed among various teams and circles. Teams, typically consisting of 4-12 members, manage routine decisions such as hiring and performance assessments. These teams can form smaller sub-groups to address specific tasks when needed. Circles, which are cross-functional and project-based, focus on particular initiatives and dissolve once their objectives are met.

Decision-making is achieved through consent, ensuring all members can support decisions without reservations that might hinder the team’s or company’s goals. This approach supports a culture of self-management and collective accountability, aligning with the company’s broader goals of sustainability and ongoing improvement.

Clever’s approach to e-mobility is turning the traditional transportation model on its head. By rethinking everything from the basic function of charging stations to integrating nature into their designs, Clever demonstrates how transformative design can redefine industry standards. Their commitment to blending sustainability with advanced technology not only envisions a future where eco-conscious practices are integrated into daily life but also makes the substantial changes needed to meet global climate goals more attainable.

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