Co-inkubation af den planetariske bevidsthed
“Hvilken slags mennesker fortjener planeten?” var det spørgsmål, vi stillede, da vi mødtes i den første cirkel af planetariske drømmere. Denne cirkel bestod af 50 strålende mennesker, som på den ene eller anden måde har været med til at forme Planetary Dreaming-bevægelsen. Dagen var fyldt med drømme, længsler, historier og perspektiver på, hvordan menneskeheden kan påvirke den kollektive trivsel for os selv, vores artsfæller og hele planeten positivt.
Vi har samlet materialet fra workshoppen, så du frit kan hente, justere og bruge det:
- Procesdesignet i form af en fire timers drejebog og plan.
- Du kan også finde instruktioner til at bruge det værktøj til historiefortælling (universets stjerne), som vi brugte under workshoppen.
- Find keynote-præsentationen her af Ida Engholm og Jakob Ion Wille
Nedenfor finder du billeder fra workshoppen og de artefakter og historier fra fremtiden, som deltagerne udviklede i løbet af dagen.
Deltagerne fortalte fremtidige historier om menneskeheden baseret på et univers, de skabte, ved hjælp af ‘universets stjerne-værktøjet’ og ved at skabe en genstand, der hører til dette univers.
Her er de otte historier og artefakter:

It is told that the squirrel folk once wandered through Squirrel Pass on a long dream journey. The evening before, they sat by the fire and listened to the world and the beings that coexist with them, both near and far on the horizons, temporally and spatially. The squirrel folk oriented themselves from their specific starting point and felt their way forward. What should the next step be? Where was the direction – or perhaps the directions? With squirrel amulets, the squirrel folk can navigate through difficult times, correct pasts, and accomplish in the present, so that common futures can be (co)created.
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Når du giver mere, end du tager, forbinder du visdom, generationer, fortid og fremtid ❤️
“It’s September 3rd. The sun has certainly shone a lot this summer. So much so that you can start to see the bottom of the town’s wells. At yesterday’s council meeting, we collectively came up with the idea to dam the river down by the edge of the forest so that the fields can be irrigated and the wells can be filled with water from the mountains. I was tasked with going down there with my dream catcher and, in collaboration with the river, figuring out if it’s a sustainable solution. The river said ‘yes’ – as long as we ensure that the water level doesn’t drop so much that the trout can’t swim past the estuary and out into the fjord. Phew – at least that’s bought us a couple of months.”
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Forbundet liv i engagerede lokalsamfund

“I am the cloak of perspective. I am made of all that lives and all that has lived. I am the sensation of your predecessors.
Yesterday, I was worn by Egon, who wanted to feel the forest as his ancestors did. Tomorrow, I will be used as a conflict mediator in a dispute.”
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Hvis du vil have noget, må du selv skabe det i samarbejde med andre.
Collective incubation, that is, being from fertilization to birth, in a planetary consciousness – our artifact creates that being in a collective, cyclical movement.
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Koinkubation med planetarisk bevidsthed

The cord as a tool for connection: Ritual, celebration of gratitude. We create an understanding of belonging and local connectivity.
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Find dit ritual til at fejre taknemmelighed for vores forbindelse med alle levende væsener på jorden – baseret på tid og sted.
We celebrate in the present moment, honoring the creative vein that has manifested itself this year as a ‘pink pineapple’, daring to step in and create brave communities.
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Husk at ære og anerkende det, der er større end os selv – selv om det ikke kan ses, måles eller vejes – deri ligger håbet for menneskeheden.

In 2100, it’s Friday night. Across the planet, connected funky parties are underway. Everyone from earwigs to lizards, to wished-for-children, to eagle foot ferns are part of the celebration.
In a curious exploration of each other’s lives and realities, all the parties share their imperfect truths from weeks gone by. Inspiration spreads, new truths emerge, and the balances shift.
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Planetary Fun(k): Gennem en forbindelse i en evig søgen efter ufuldkomne sandheder søger vi en planet i skiftende balancer, hvor mennesker og natur trives.
The gathering place where we come together around the fire to resolve conflicts. It’s a beacon, where we gather at the spring equinox with all the animals and humans. We tell stories and send out a light. It’s a new ritual.
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Gør fortiden til en gave til fremtiden